The row and column constraints are easy enough - just require that all the numbers in a row or column are different - and this works for partial rows/columns as well as full ones. Only the row code is included here (a following post will contain all of the code). This code checks all of the rows using a map that checks each row by index and uses a helper function "allDifferent" that checks to be sure that all the numbers in a row are different. I suspect there may be a better way using "nub" but this is simple enough.
allRowsOK p = do
s <- psize `liftM` getPuzzle
return $ and $ map (rowOK s p) [0..s-1]
rowOK s plist row = allDifferent (map avalue inrow)
inrow = filter (\x -> (row == (cy $ acell x))) plist
allDifferent [] = True
allDifferent (x:xs) = (not $ elem x xs) && allDifferent xs
The constraints are more difficult. These are checked with "checkCon" which takes a list of cell values, a target and an operator. A "+" constraint requires that the numbers so far add up to less than the target. A "*" constraint requires that the numbers so far add up to a divisor of the target. For divide and difference, a zero length list of cells is ok as is a list of cells with one entry and a list of cells with two entries is checked both ways and if either works the constraint is ok. This is tightened up a bit in a later version of the code, but this works for this simple version.
checkCon [] _ tgt _ = True
checkCon cl "=" tgt _ = tgt == cl !! 0
checkCon cl "*" tgt l = if length cl == l
then tgt == product cl
else 0== tgt `mod` (product cl)
checkCon cl "+" tgt l = if length cl == l
then tgt == sum cl
else tgt >= sum cl
checkCon cl "-" tgt _
| length cl > 2 = False
| length cl == 2 = abs(cl !! 0 - cl !! 1) == tgt
| length cl == 1 = True
checkCon cl "/" tgt _
| length cl > 2 = False
| length cl == 1 = True
| length cl == 2 = let a = cl !! 0
b = cl !! 1
in (a `div` b) == tgt || (b `div` a) == tgt