I solved a couple of these and then decided that it was time to build a solver. My first solver (in Python) dissolved in a flurry of overcomplicated algorithms and data structures and I decided to start from scratch in Haskell (in part to try to improve my Haskell skills). First though, I needed an input format. I constructed one that was simple, easy to derive from a puzzle and easy to edit. In this format the puzzle grid is laid out with letters indicating the blocks and a list of constraints on the blocks on subsequent lines. Each constraint is a label (from the grid), an equals sign, a target value (numeric) and an operator ("+", "-", "/", "*", "=" - used when the value in the cell is set). This format has the advantage that it is easy for me to read and easy to parse.
The puzzle from the wikipedia entry is given below.
For example, the first block (labeled "a" in the square) needs to have a sum of 11.
My first solver was a simple backtracking recursive solver. It didn't use any constraint information except to verify that the current solution was ok.
To do this, I built several data structures. First, a Cell is an x,y location and a Constraint label (such as "a" above). I use the (x,y) information in the Cell to locate it rather than keeping a two dimensional array (or list of lists). This does mean that in several places I scan the list of cells to find a cell, but since the list of cells is typically small for these puzzles, that is not that much of a problem :
data Cell = Cell {
clabel :: String,
cx :: Int,
cy :: Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
Next, a Constraint is a label (from the puzzle input), a target value, an operation (as a string) and a list of cells. The list of cells could also be constructed as needed, but since checking the constraint always required looking at the list, I put this in.
data Constraint = Constraint
{ conlabel :: String,
conop :: String,
contarget :: Int,
concells :: [Cell]
deriving Show
An Assignment is a Cell - value pair, and we build up a list of possible assignments in a Possibility (that is, a possible solution). Assignments are not part of the puzzle, but are
carried around in the recursive calls.
data Assignment = Assignment { acell :: Cell, avalue :: Int }
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Possibility = [ Assignment ]
A puzzle has a size, the original input (which is useful for debugging), a list of constraints and a list of cells. Since I'd like to pass the puzzle around in lots of places, I'm building a State Monad of this as well.
data Puzzle = Puzzle {
psize :: Int,
origInput :: [String],
constraints :: [Constraint],
pcells :: [Cell]
type PuzzleM = StateT Puzzle IO
Next post: parsing the input.
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