Monday, May 04, 2009

Kenken Solver

The solver is the remaining major piece of the kenken program. It is simple enough here - the function solve takes a list of cells that are not yet assigned values, a list of cells with values (a "Possibility") and returns a "Possibility" that should, if not null, result in a solution. To do this it takes the next unassigned cell from the list of cells, makes a list of all the possible values it might take (that is the values from 1 up to the size of the puzzle - no culling is attempted) and tries to solve the puzzle with each of those values being assigned to the cell.

This looks like :

solve :: [Cell] -> Possibility -> PuzzleM Possibility
solve [] assList = return assList
solve cl@(c:cs) assList = do
s <- psize `liftM` getPuzzle
let pass = map (\v -> Assignment{ acell=c, avalue=v}) [1..s]
passes = map (:assList) pass
solve1 cs passes

solve1 cells [] = return []
solve1 cells pl@(p:ps) = do
good <- okSoFar p
if good
then do solved <- solve cells p
if solved /= []
then return solved
else solve1 cells ps
else solve1 cells ps

I think that if I used List as the base monad in the stack (instead of IO) I could have used the nondeterminism aspect to simplify this, but I did not, so here's what I have.

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