Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Whole Kenken program

Here is the complete program including all the bits previously posted as well as some helper functions and the main driver. It is set up in such a way that you can load it into ghci and then run "doPuzzle filename" to run a puzzle.

import System
import Char
import Maybe
import Control.Monad.State

-- a puzzle has a size (so we know the limit of values to use)
-- its original input as a list of strings (just in case we want to print it)
-- a list of constraints
-- and a list of cells with position/label
-- the cells could be a list of lists, but doing the lookup in a data set
-- this size isn't likely to be the limiting factor and we'll abstract
-- over getting a cell by x,y coordinates anyway

data Puzzle = Puzzle {
psize :: Int,
origInput :: [String],
constraints :: [Constraint],
pcells :: [Cell]

-- constraints have labels (from the input description)
-- operations (the arithmetic operators as strings)
-- target values
-- and a list of the cells that make up the constraint
data Constraint = Constraint
{ conlabel :: String,
conop :: String,
contarget :: Int,
concells :: [Cell]
deriving Show

-- each cell in the puzzle has a position (cx, cy) and a label
-- corresponding to the constraint it is in
data Cell = Cell {
clabel :: String,
cx :: Int,
cy :: Int
deriving (Eq, Show)

-- an assignment is, well, an assignment of a value to a cell

data Assignment = Assignment { acell :: Cell, avalue :: Int }
deriving (Show, Eq)

-- a possibility represents a "possible" solution to the puzzle

type Possibility = [ Assignment ]

-- The PuzzleM type contains the base puzzle

type PuzzleM = StateT Puzzle IO

getPuzzle :: PuzzleM Puzzle
getPuzzle = get

getConstraints = do
p <- getPuzzle
return $ constraints p

-- not a fancy show, but shows the pieces - quick and easy
instance Show Puzzle where
show (Puzzle{psize=s, origInput=inp,constraints=cos,pcells=ces}) =
unlines $ ["Puzzle::", "size="++(show s)]
++ inp
++ (map show cos)
++ (map show ces)

strip l = sl
sl = reverse $ dropWhile isSpace $ reverse $ dropWhile isSpace l

parse :: String -> Puzzle
parse s = Puzzle {psize=size, origInput=plines, constraints=constraintList, pcells=cellList}
plines = map strip $ lines s
(cellLines, constraintLines) = break ([]==) plines
size = length cellLines
cellList = doCellLines 0 cellLines
constraintList = parseConstraintLines cellList $ tail constraintLines

doCellLines :: Int -> [String] -> [Cell]
doCellLines i [] = []
doCellLines i (l:ls) = let l1 = zip [0..] l
mkcell (xpos, y) = Cell { clabel=[y], cx=xpos, cy=i}
l2 = map mkcell l1
in l2 ++ (doCellLines (i+1) ls)

parseConstraintLines cells lines = map (parseConstraint cells) (filter ("" /=) lines)

parseConstraint cells l = Constraint {conlabel= label,
conop = op,
contarget = target,
concells = clist }
(label,rest) = break ('='==) l
(starget, op) = break (not.isDigit) $ tail rest
target = read starget
clist = filter (\c -> clabel c == label) cells

showPuzzle = do
p <- getPuzzle
liftIO $ putStrLn $ show p

solve :: [Cell] -> Possibility -> PuzzleM Possibility
solve [] assList = return assList
solve cl@(c:cs) assList = do
s <- psize `liftM` getPuzzle
let pass = map (\v -> Assignment{ acell=c, avalue=v}) [1..s]
passes = map (:assList) pass
solve1 cs passes

solve1 cells [] = return []
solve1 cells pl@(p:ps) = do
good <- okSoFar p
if good
then do solved <- solve cells p
if solved /= []
then return solved
else solve1 cells ps
else solve1 cells ps

allRowsOK p = do
s <- psize `liftM` getPuzzle
return $ and $ map (rowOK s p) [0..s-1]

allColsOK p = do
s <- psize `liftM` getPuzzle
return $ and $ map (colOK s p) [0..s-1]

rowOK s plist row = allDifferent (map avalue inrow)
inrow = filter (\x -> (row == (cy $ acell x))) plist

colOK s plist col = allDifferent (map avalue incol)
incol = filter (\x -> (col == (cx $ acell x))) plist

allDifferent [] = True
allDifferent (x:xs) = (not $ elem x xs) && allDifferent xs

allConsOK p = do
conlist <- constraints `liftM` getPuzzle
return $ and $ map (conOK p) conlist

conOK p constraint = checkCon convals contype target cl
concl = concells constraint
convals = map avalue $ filter (\x -> ( acell x) `elem` concl) p
contype = conop constraint
target = contarget constraint
cl = length concl

checkCon [] _ tgt _ = True
checkCon cl "=" tgt _ = tgt == cl !! 0
checkCon cl "*" tgt l = if length cl == l
then tgt == product cl
else 0== tgt `mod` (product cl)
checkCon cl "+" tgt l = if length cl == l
then tgt == sum cl
else tgt >= sum cl
checkCon cl "-" tgt _
| length cl > 2 = False
| length cl == 2 = abs(cl !! 0 - cl !! 1) == tgt
| length cl == 1 = True

checkCon cl "/" tgt _
| length cl > 2 = False
| length cl == 1 = True
| length cl == 2 = let a = cl !! 0
b = cl !! 1
in (a `div` b) == tgt || (b `div` a) == tgt

okSoFar p = do
rowsOK <- allRowsOK p
colsOK <- allColsOK p
consOK <- allConsOK p
return $ rowsOK && colsOK && consOK

showKnownCells al s = unlines $ map getRow [0..s-1]
getCellByRowCol al r c = filter (\x -> (r == (cy $ acell x)) && (c == (cx $ acell x))) al
getRow r = unwords $ map doCell $ map (getCellByRowCol al r) [0..s-1]
doCell [] = " "
doCell (x:xs) = show $ avalue x

runPuzzle = do
{- showPuzzle -}
cl <- pcells `liftM` getPuzzle
solve cl []

showPossibles p = unlines $ map show p

main = do
args <- getArgs
doPuzzle (args !! 0)

doPuzzle fn = do
inp <- readFile fn
let puzzle = parse inp

putStrLn inp
putStrLn "about to evalState puzzle..."
(soln,p) <- runStateT runPuzzle puzzle
putStrLn $ showKnownCells soln 6

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