Haskell. The quality of the Haskell novice I was then (and remain) shows though my Haskell has improved since then. Read that post for better information on what Fractran is and how it works.
This implementation factors the numbers used and just keeps track of the factors in the numerator and denominator of the fractions involved. I probably reinvented the wheel to get the primes and factors and all. I tested it in the primes program (named primegame) and
the addition program (named addergame), but not on much else as actually writing Fractran programs was not something I tried very hard to master.
import Ratio
-- run takes an integer i
-- and a list of fractions (the program)
-- it returns a result list of the integers generated
run :: Integer -> [Rational] -> [Integer]
run i p = takeWhile (>0) res
res = i:(map runstep res)
runstep j = runl j p
runl :: Integer -> [Rational] -> Integer
runl j [] = 0
runl j (f:fs) = let
ifv = (fromInteger j)*f
in if isInteger1 ifv
then (numerator ifv) -- essentially a toInteger
else runl j fs
isInteger i = (i == (truncate i))
isInteger1 i = ((denominator i) == 1) -- works in this context
-- the numbers themselves dont show much, so write them as products
-- of powers of primes
primes :: Integral a => [a]
primes = map head (iterate sieve [2..])
sieve (p:xs) = [ x | x<-xs, x `rem` p /= 0 ]
powersOfTwo = 2:(map (2*) powersOfTwo)
-- returns 0 if not a power of two
-- else returns the power
whichPowerOfTwo x = l
(a,b) = span (< x) powersOfTwo
l = x == (head b) then 1 + (length a) else 0
-- brute force factorization
factor x = factor1 x primes
factor1 1 _ = []
factor1 x (p:ps) = let (c,q) = fp x p
in if c > 0
then (c,p):(factor1 q ps)
else factor1 q ps
-- multiply two lists of prime, power pairs
mult [] l = l
mult l [] = l
mult l@((p,pow):ps) l'@((p',pow'):ps')
| p == p' = (p,pow+pow'):(mult ps ps')
| p < p' = (p,pow):(mult ps l')
| p > p' = (p',pow):(mult l ps')
-- divide one list of prime,power pairs by another
divvy [] l = []
divvy l [] = l
divvy l@((p,pow):ps) l'@((p',pow'):ps')
| p == p' && pow == pow' = (divvy ps ps')
| p == p' = (p, pow - pow'):(divvy ps ps')
| p < p' = (p,pow):(divvy ps l')
| p > p' = (p, -pow'):(divvy ps ps')
-- isIntegerL returns true if the list represents an integer
-- when all the powers are >= 0
isIntegerL l = and (map ((>0).snd) l)
-- fp takes two integers and returns the largest
-- power of the second that evenly divides the first
-- and the quotient thus determined
fp :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
fp x p = if x `mod` p == 0
then let (c,q) = fp (x `div` p) p
in (c+1,q)
else (0, x)
primegame = [17%91, 78%85, 19%51, 23%38, 29%33, 77%29, 95%23, 77%19, 1%17, 11%13, 13%11, 15%2, 1%7,5
5%1 ]
-- start with 2^a * 3^b
-- ends with 2^a+b
-- so started with (8=2^3) * (243 = 3^5) = 1944 should result in 256 = 2^8
-- that is, run 1944 addergame => 256
addergame = [2%3]
p1 = filter (/= 0) (map whichPowerOfTwo (run 2 primegame))
-- main = putStr (show (take 20 p1))
main = putStr (unlines (map show (map factor (take 10000 (run 2 primegame)))))
That needed a bit of editing, some of the < symbols went through ok, others did not, which really messed up things - whole sections of code dropped out and other sections ended up almost completely nonsensical.
...other sections ended up almost completely nonsensical.
Isn't that always the way it is? Even when the code is rendered properly?
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