This program though tries to eliminate possibilities on each cell as it goes. There is a structure that ties cells to the set of possibilities that are currently available for that cell :
data CellPos = CellPos {
cpcell :: Cell,
cposs :: [Int]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
These are all initialized at start up so that cposs contains the list of integers [1..size of puzzle], then as possible assignments for cells are explored, each such assignment is used to try to reduce the possibilities in each of these structures.
The solve function then :
- finds all of the cells with only one possibility and makes all those assignments
- sorts the cells with multiple possibilities so those with the fewest number of possibilities come first
- tries making all the assignments currently possible with the first cell (which will be one of those with the fewest possibilities still available)
- returns all solutions found.
Another difference (as noted above) is that this solver will try to find all possible solutions for a puzzle instead of just the first.
Here is the solve function (stripped of debug prints) :
solve cpl assList resultList = do
puz <- getPuzzle
s <- getSize
let sortedPossibilities = sortBy comparer cpl
comparer x y = compare (pcount x) (pcount y)
uhOh = null sortedPossibilities -- no assignments possible ??
|| 0 == pcount (head sortedPossibilities)
-- if no assignments possible from here, just return the result list
-- otherwise if there are ways to do a single assignment (so the possiblity
-- list for a cell contains only one value), do all of those
-- then double check to see if it is all possible, if so call solve recursively
if uhOh
then return resultList
else do
oneChoices = filter (\x -> 1 == pcount x) sortedPossibilities
newAssignments = makeAssignments oneChoices
multiChoices = filter (\x -> 1 < pcount x) sortedPossibilities
currentAssignments = assList ++ newAssignments
ok <- verify currentAssignments
if not ok
then do return resultList -- verify failed
else if null multiChoices
then return $ currentAssignments:resultList
else if length newAssignments > 0
then do -- new assignments to do, try them
constraints <- getConstraints
let constrainedPossibilities = foldr (updateRCPossibilities currentAssignments constraints) multiChoices newAssignments
solve constrainedPossibilities currentAssignments resultList
else do
nextCell = head multiChoices
needAssignments = tail multiChoices
nextAssignments = map (\x -> Assignment{ acell = cpcell nextCell, avalue=x}) $ cposs nextCell
-- now we have a cell with several possibilities, try each of those in sequence
maybeRes <- mapM (\x -> solveWithAssignment x needAssignments currentAssignments []) nextAssignments
return $ resultList ++ (concat $ filter (not.null) maybeRes)
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