Monday, July 13, 2009

more kenken

My second kenken program is a bit longer and more complex. At the base is the old kenken program (see this post).

This program though tries to eliminate possibilities on each cell as it goes. There is a structure that ties cells to the set of possibilities that are currently available for that cell :

data CellPos = CellPos {
cpcell :: Cell,
cposs :: [Int]
} deriving (Eq, Show)

These are all initialized at start up so that cposs contains the list of integers [1..size of puzzle], then as possible assignments for cells are explored, each such assignment is used to try to reduce the possibilities in each of these structures.

The solve function then :

  • finds all of the cells with only one possibility and makes all those assignments
  • sorts the cells with multiple possibilities so those with the fewest number of possibilities come first
  • tries making all the assignments currently possible with the first cell (which will be one of those with the fewest possibilities still available)
  • returns all solutions found.

Another difference (as noted above) is that this solver will try to find all possible solutions for a puzzle instead of just the first.

Here is the solve function (stripped of debug prints) :

solve cpl assList resultList = do
puz <- getPuzzle
s <- getSize

let sortedPossibilities = sortBy comparer cpl
comparer x y = compare (pcount x) (pcount y)
uhOh = null sortedPossibilities -- no assignments possible ??
|| 0 == pcount (head sortedPossibilities)

-- if no assignments possible from here, just return the result list
-- otherwise if there are ways to do a single assignment (so the possiblity
-- list for a cell contains only one value), do all of those
-- then double check to see if it is all possible, if so call solve recursively
if uhOh
then return resultList
else do
oneChoices = filter (\x -> 1 == pcount x) sortedPossibilities
newAssignments = makeAssignments oneChoices
multiChoices = filter (\x -> 1 < pcount x) sortedPossibilities
currentAssignments = assList ++ newAssignments

ok <- verify currentAssignments

if not ok
then do return resultList -- verify failed
else if null multiChoices
then return $ currentAssignments:resultList
else if length newAssignments > 0
then do -- new assignments to do, try them

constraints <- getConstraints
let constrainedPossibilities = foldr (updateRCPossibilities currentAssignments constraints) multiChoices newAssignments

solve constrainedPossibilities currentAssignments resultList
else do
nextCell = head multiChoices
needAssignments = tail multiChoices
nextAssignments = map (\x -> Assignment{ acell = cpcell nextCell, avalue=x}) $ cposs nextCell

-- now we have a cell with several possibilities, try each of those in sequence
maybeRes <- mapM (\x -> solveWithAssignment x needAssignments currentAssignments []) nextAssignments
return $ resultList ++ (concat $ filter (not.null) maybeRes)

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